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Cult of Games Member

@evilstu yeah,no more time limit.  What happens now, or what appears to happen, is that the Nexus Deck has event cards which are played straight away.  Near the bottom of the deck (and it’s always near the bottom)  there’s an event card that basically says “enemies incoming; the team is taking too long and reinforcements are on the way”.  At this point the overlord gets additional activations and the max points limit of reinforcements is increased.  However those extra activations are still very low quality minions for the most part.

The dice mechanic is also subtly different and it totally shits on low dice counts.  Whereas previously it was regular d6 and you compared the scores with higher dice beating lower dice, it’s now custom d6 with icons. There’s three icon types on each dice (blasts or Shields depending on the dice type), two faces with an outline, two faces with asolid icon and one face with an exclamation mark (this is a critical); the last face is blank. Any face with an icon is a success and for comparison the Exclamation Marks beat solid icons, solid icons beat outline icons – ties cancel out and favour the defender. This means that the exclamation mark is effectively a 6, the solid faces represent 4 and 5 and the outline icons represent 2 and 3. However where previously a 5 would beat a 4, that’s no longer the case as these two faces have the same priority – if you converted it regular D6 a 5 and a 4 are considered equal and so a 4 can now, in essence, beat a 5. It’s quite a subtle change but it seems to have made all the difference, especially when combined with the relatively small number of activations available and no mission time limit.

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