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Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds - Legio Audax

Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds - Legio Audax

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Painting the Armour Panels

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Painting the Armour Panels

So I mentioned I had a few of these Warhounds to paint. So up to this stage it was a case of rinse and repeat my steps. But the armour panels is we’re the individuality of the miniature needs to be developed.

Taking this into account, the first Carapace was painted the my standard cinder fade effect. This was achieved via successive fades of black, mahogany, opaque heavy red, bloody red, orange red, light orange, yellow and a final spritz of white. These were all from the Vallejo Model and Game Air ranges

Now white is a crappy colour to shoot, as often it will speckle, but int his case is not such a big problem as it causes a worn patina after weathering.

The second Warhound was halved Cinder fade and Black.



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