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Avernos, the Desert Squirrel.

Avernos, the Desert Squirrel.

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I've been dying for a truck all week!

Tutoring 10
Skill 8
Idea 10
so shiny and newso shiny and new

As I am planning on using my trucks for both my Afrika Korps and a late war SS force I’ve chosen to use generic balkenkreuz and symbols. Placement of these can varied massively across units.

The front fenders often held the tactical symbols and/or unit symbols.

The vehicles technical specifications would be found on the doors.

Symbols such as Divisional, Balkenkreuz, the Red Cross could be placed on doors, the side of the rear or even the canvas cover.

The rear tailgate again could hold tactical or unit symbols.

There are no hard and fast rules and I’ve found countless examples of all or none of these being applied, so don’t worry too much about accuracy.

I've been dying for a truck all week!

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Gerryoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I would agree @avernos – that the German tactical symbols is a labyrinthine nightmare even the groggniest grognard who ever grognarded can’t fully pretend to understand (if he says he does, he’s lying – either to you or to himself).

Case in point, I can verify that in that BW war photo above, the square symbol circled in blue means the truck is part of an engineer platoon – but the square symbol on the other finder (in pink) doesn’t appear on my tables.

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