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3D models and Prints of Ships for Darkstar

3D models and Prints of Ships for Darkstar

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Re-imaged Japanese Ships

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

Re-imaging Completed

Akashi Class 3D Model

Akashi Class 3D Print

Kagoshima Class 3D Model

Kagoshima Class 3D Print

All Ships now now have weapon hard points with all main battery weapons swap-able. Very minor changes were needed for these last two Japanese ships as both looked good and printed without issue.

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Cult of Games Member

@bloodstrike – I like how the Kagoshima and Akashi have some a similar design aesthetic. Totally different mission profiles, classes, and types (aerospace carrier / gunship, Kagoshima / Akashi, light cruiser / frigate), but they’re from the same navy / design bureau / review board, it makes sense they would share some “visual DNA”

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