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Market Garden, Cadet bolt action introduction

Market Garden, Cadet bolt action introduction

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Trying to put the airborne 6lber together and this stuff just isn't holdingTrying to put the airborne 6lber together and this stuff just isn't holding

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inneskingandcountryGerry Recent comment authors
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that should do the job, if it’s not it may be because of mould release residue on the mini. Get it into hot water and scrub the pieces down with a toothbrush and soap. rinse it off and clean away any old glue.
Any pieces that need to be glued scuff the two surfaces to be attached with a file or some sandpaper to give you a good key and then try again.

Cult of Games Member

I’ve had a couple of bottles of that before. Is it really thick? Mine took ages to cure on minis. Good for terrain though.
Maybe try an activator spray or sprinkle on a bit of baking powder to help it set quick.
My fave trick is to get glue on both pieces then put the tiniest pinch of blu-tak between and press them together. The glue seems to desiccate the blu-tak and gives a much stronger contact area.

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