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Heroquest Restoration

Heroquest Restoration

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Project Blog by wizardv12222

Recommendations: 34

About the Project

I first purchased Heroquest (HQ) when I was a child, all the way back in the early nineties. Strangely I kept my copy through all the moves, life changes, and financial difficulties. As I have moved to a new gaming area, I wanted to start a new group and use HQ to kick off the group to see if they fall into a RPG, Boardgame, or miniature focused group.

This Project is Active

the Elves, part 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 0
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Step 6 – For the next layer, starting with reaper Tanned Skin for all the exposed skin.  For this color I just went over the higher parts of the models, not total coverage.

the Elves, part 2

Step 7 – used Reaper Sapphire Blue on all the blue sections.  This was mostly covered, but left the darker blue in near the edges to hair and other cloth, to simulate a shadow.

the Elves, part 2

Step 8 – Went over the higher areas with a thinned Blood Red from reaper.  This was thinned enough that I could go over the highest points again once the layer dried.

Step 9 – used Reaper Flesh Wash on all the skin areas, took care to put into the deeper areas, as I didn’t want to just completely wash out the whole faces and hands.

the Elves, part 2

Step 10 – Used Vallejo Desert Yellow to go over both models hair.  For this color I did do deliberate paint strokes that would follow the strands of hair, using the color to add depth to the hair and variety in color.

the Elves, part 2

Step 11 – Layered up the leather bits with Reaper Muddy Brown.  I noticed at this point that the male had bracers, so I went over them with this brown.  Since those were based in red before, it didn’t look too bad, so I went with this instead of rebasing them.

Step 12 – Used army painter strong tone wash in deliberate strokes on the hair to darken it up a bit and again add some more detail.  Also used this wash on the metal bits to dirty them up.

the Elves, part 2

For now I’m calling these done.  I will redo the base color after some thought on what colors I want to use for heroes vs the evil minions.

I may come back and add more details later, but I still want the paint to be quick so I can get through the entire set in less than 20 years.

It's the Elves!

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 0
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Chose the two elf heroes to start the painting stage.  The original paints used were glossy testors paints.  I decided to try and see what happens if I don’t try to prime over the original paint job.  I’m concerned about losing details by re-priming.  Depending on how these go, I may begin the process of stripping paint off first.

My normal method of painting is to put a single layer of paint of each color, then go back and layer up,  then wash, then put a final layer.

This method does seem to work to do a quick paint that looks decent.

Step 1 – using Tanned Shadow by reaper, I paint all the exposed skin, and also used this for the male elf hair.

Step 2 – wanted to stick with the original paint scheme, so I painted the male elf tunic with a Reaper Red Brick.  Also used the same color to change the color of the female elf’s dress.

It's the Elves!

Step 3 – Painted the male elf’s pants and the top of his tunic using Reaper Soft Blue.   Nothing on the female got this color.

It's the Elves!

Step 4 – using reapers Walnut Brown, painted all the leather bits, so boots, bags, belts and the like.

It's the Elves!

Step 5 – next was the weapon and metal bits with Oily Steel from Vallejo, and the female’s cloak with reaper Stone Grey.


That finishes off the first layer for the mini’s.

It's the Elves!

Heroes Unite!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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So decided to go ahead and 3d print the female barbarian that was broken… and the print didn’t turn out well at all.

3d printed and actual model3d printed and actual model

But the sword didn’t turn out too bad, so I chopped off the arm and glued to the original model..

That should work in a pinchThat should work in a pinch

That worked well enough for me, I printed the male barbarian and chopped off the sword tip that was missing.  Once that was done I was ready to start painting.  Note, these mini’s were all painted back when I was in high school and were some of the first mini’s I ever painted.

Heroes Unite!

I think I have my work cut out on this project…

Finished Organizing!

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 6
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Today’s progress, still getting thing organized.

I printed a tray for the smaller tiles, the tray I found on thingiverse and linked below.  It worked really well so I printed 2.  I created a simple box that fit around the tray that I could use as a lid. So now when it is being stored, they won’t go everywhere, and the most commonly needed tiles are in a nice tray when playing the game.

Since some of the cards have a little edge wear, I purchased some American Boardgame sized sleeves from Fantasy Flight, and Mini European Board game sized sleeves for the extra artifacts you get from the quests.

That done I turned my attention to the Dice, since the original ones are usable, but worn, I printed a new set using a file (linked below).  I will be painting the dice as well, to help make the sides pop.

Now that I feel the game has been organized, and will survive another 20+ years, I am ready to turn my attention to the mini’s for painting!

Stay tuned…

Tray file >

Dice file >

Replace what's missing

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 6
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Replace what's missing

Since the only mini I am missing, also happens to be an important mini, I decided to head over to thingiverse to see if there was anything I could use.  And there was a sorcerer that I thought my printer could handle.

link to file on thingiverse.

Next steps is to decide what to do with my two barbarians.  There are files for those as well, but I’m also leaning towards picking up the minis from wizkids.

For the goblin and orc that have broken weapons, I don’t think I will need them, since I have so many anyways, but there are files for them in case I wanted to print the missing parts.

First Steps

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 4

The first step for the project is to decide, am I doing this to sell, or keep?  I decided I am going to keep this game.  It is mostly beat up, and will probably not get that much gaming time, but I’ve kept it this long, I might as well keep it longer.

Now that I’ve decided the games ultimate future, the next step is to review everything that I have and see what I’m missing and what’s broken.

I have the original game system, the Kellar’s Keep quest, Return of the Witch Lord quest, Mage of the mirror elf quest, and the Frozen Horror barbarian quest.

With all of that, I’m only missing the Chaos Sorcerer mini, which I find amazing for as long as I’ve had the game.

There were several broken pieces, but some quick work with the plastic glue put them back in shape.

The only pieces that are broken beyond repair, is one goblin, one Orc, and ironically both the male and female barbarians.

First Steps

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