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Gift Trees by Brushstroke

Gift Trees by Brushstroke

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If you like it, should 'av put a skin on it...

Tutoring 3
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Idea 3
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If you like it, should 'av put a skin on it...
If you like it, should 'av put a skin on it...

Once happy with the branch shape, I like to make the seafoam less brittle and more robust.

to do this I cover it in liquid latex.

because the seafoam is so dry it actually soaks the latex into itself as well as forming a coating around it.

Once set it makes the seafoam rubbery and far more resilient.

to apply the latex you’ll need a large bowl. I pour the latex into the bowl and either dip the seafoam directly in or use a small cup to pour it over more difficult to reach areas.

i prefer to try and keep the latex off the main branches, as it dries a horrible looking yellowy skin, which spoils the look of the tree.

if you do spill any in the wrong place. Don’t worry, simply let it full set and peal off the areas you don’t want it

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