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Market Garden, Cadet bolt action introduction

Market Garden, Cadet bolt action introduction

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The demo game

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Turn 1 saw the American pathfinders land fairly centrally into positions that remained virtually unchanged, able to inflict casualties straight off the bat, whilst the germans need to adjust their sightsTurn 1 saw the American pathfinders land fairly centrally into positions that remained virtually unchanged, able to inflict casualties straight off the bat, whilst the germans need to adjust their sights
Turn 2 saw reinforcements arrive for the germans but they were only able to inflict 1 casualty on the AmericansTurn 2 saw reinforcements arrive for the germans but they were only able to inflict 1 casualty on the Americans

Turn 3

Heavily pinned 1 german section fubar’d and fell back, the Americans placed their first pannel only for a rapid german dash to steal it at the end of the turn.

Unfortunately the game had to end here as we needed to pack up for the night.

Lessons learned

Set up needs to be started much sooner possibly even the night before

I’ll run another game for my senior cadets so they can cascade to the younger guys working in smaller groups to keep everyone focussed

To start with games are going to take time and may require deviation from our standard program of concurrent training


Also those plastic trees need better bases…

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