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Grot Mege Bomma

Grot Mege Bomma

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3: Tail Section.

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Whilst I was pondering what to do with the main fuselage I started work on the tail. To start with I filled in hole from where I cut this section away from the rest of the fuselage and then added a bit of gubins to make it look a little more interesting along with one of the mounts for the bomb launcher.

I had decided to go with a double tail fin set up just because I think it looks a bit more interesting so I went with the bits that come with the kit for the Waz bomber but I’ve left the mount for the tail gunner blank at the moment whilst I decide what to do with it. I was planning on adding some A10 style extra engines in front of the tail section but after playing around a bit I decided it would be easier to build them into this section instead. I got the engines from a bits site and are from the little Marine flyer which I think is a storm talon.

A little bit of trimming allowed me to get a good fit and I then cut out a couple of thick bits of plasti card to use as the wing mounts. To get a good fit I drew a centre line down the pieces and then marked where the whole need to be cut out. For a good fit I used a couple of drill bits that matches the radius of each end and then drilled out two holes. It was then a simple case of cutting lines between the wholes to get a nice wing mount shaped hole.

These could then be mounted to the sides of the engines along with random bits of plasti card to give them a more orky feel. I also spent a bit of time to distress everything with a sharp craft knife so things didn’t end up looking too neat.

For the tail wings I used the large central tail wing, and mounted it about the standard one to get this double height contraption. All in all it makes for very large tail section but I think it will end up fitting the overall feel of the model.

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