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Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan – Legio Victorum

Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan – Legio Victorum

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Project Blog by tahatan Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 53

About the Project

Follow the progress as I build my Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan for the Loyalist Legio Victorum.

This Project is Completed

Painting the substructure

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Painting the substructure

After assembling the substructure, I then went about magnetising the waist head, arms and center back.

Leaving the armor plates off, I primed the model with Stynylres Black.

After this I used successive coats of Brass, copper and silvers to establish the ancient look. I reinforced shadows with purple and Payne’s grey inks. With a kicker highlight of torquoise.

Once this had dried, I went back in and edge highlighted with silver.

Leg Greave armor

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Leg Greave armor

I created the blues working from Imperial Blue, French Blue and Electric Blue. Focusing on a fade dark at the bottom to lighter shades at the top of the panels.

The hazard stripes we’re achieved by starting with Yellow Ochre, Gold Yellow and Moon Yellow. The Yellow Ochre covers over black very well. I created the fading from darker at the bottom to lighter tones at the top of the panels.

After leaving that to fully dry, I masked off the stripes with Tamiya Tape then created a fade using Black, Black Tire, Rubber and Rubber highlight. This time I focused the fade with the lightest portion closest to the centerline adjacent to the blues.

Painting the head. Decisions, decisions.

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Painting the head. Decisions, decisions.

When painting these Titans, there comes a time when you need to make a call on how to proceed with the focal point of the miniature, the head.

Do you choose a contrasting scheme, go solid color or echo the main pattern to keep things coherent?

I chose a coherent color scheme with the blues and hazard stripes.


Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Following the same substructure ancient metal painting scheme, using brass, copper and silver. I established the base on which to add barrel scorching effects.

Fading from a sepia, purple, blue and Payne’s grey inks. I then concentrate edge highlights to the upper edges in silver.

Ammo drum was masked off and painted with hazard stripes using the previously mentioned yellow and black fades.



Carapace Armor

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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So at this point I had a form idea on how I wanted the Carapace armor to look. Embellished with details, all the bling bling.

Unfortunately, when I painted it, I just wasn’t happy with the result. It looked too generic, and too much like a different Legio, Legio Astorum.

Given I was supposed to be doing Legio Victorum, I scrapped the Carapace and went in a different direction.

A new Carapace direction. Weathering begins.

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Moving onto the unadorned Carapace armour gave me more of an opportunity to customize the look of the Legio Victorum. The flatter surface gave me a larger area to add a detailed waterslide transfer.

Whilst I waited for paint to dry on the new Carapace, I started weathering the rest of the miniature.

Black lining with black armor wash, I then added chipping with a sponge and carbonized brown. I added a final accent of silver into the center of the brown spots. Given the scale of the miniature, I skipped my usual step of highlighting what would have been the lower portion of the chip with the relevant highlight color. Saved hours, actually.

Starting to finalize the miniature

Tutoring 0
Skill 7
Idea 3
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Decals are on, weathering mostly completed. Just finishing off the Missile Pod.

I will start matte varnishing the miniature now.

Starting to finalize the miniature

Trying some fists on for size

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Trying some fists on for size

I had a few Fists left over from the two Reaver kits, so I painted them up in Victorum colours. Their not quite finished but I took a happy snap that would be indicative of what the Reaver would look like.

Iram Redemptio - Rage of Redemption - Legio Victorum Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 0
1 Comment
Iram Redemptio - Rage of Redemption - Legio Victorum Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan

And here is the finished Titan…

Iram Redemptio – Rage of Redemption – Legio Victorum
Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan

#adeptustitanicus #paintingadeptustitanicus #paintingforgeworld #titanicus #horusheresy #reavertitan #paintingwarhammer

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