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Da Space Hulk calling Da Boyz

Da Space Hulk calling Da Boyz

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Orks Guide to Space ulks!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4
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Ulks , or a we call them ‘des res’ are what any self respecting  Orc would prefer to live, who cares that they are in de way of udder races, as all of da Galaxy is ours anyway, we only let you keep yours bits as you payed da rent in giving us a good scrap. Damn Hummies all they care about is sparkly tech, its all sparkly tech to us.’

Ere is da guide to da boyz on what ya do if ya find a new one , and how best to to capture it, kick the stuffin out of da bugs and other squaters and clam what is rightly ours!

Er hum! as put my voice back to normal, the idea for this project is why not play a Variant of Space Hulk with our old friends the Orks. Probably not the 1st to think of  it and probably not the last. In fact I’m not sure if the little buggers didn’t appear in one of the early Space Hulk supplements.

If so the probably appeared as the bad guys, my idea is for a multi player game with all or all but one player being one of a Orcish faction and one or a dumb system playing the Tyrannid infestation.

Now in the original you have slimmed down rules and narrow passages which generally allow only one Terminator or Tyrannid on each square grid. This is obviously is part of the game mechanic and its proper use can determine the winner or loser of a game the little dice gods permitting.

Plus at its original release the game was fresh and unique but no it has been improved on by games such as Incursion and probably the Reich Busters.

My plan is use Killteam rules and set it in a Space Hulk, an enlarged Rouge Trader game but with our Heroes the Orks as the main protagonists.

If you have a copy of Space Hulk fine, or the Rogue Trader map board you have a good start. I’m lucky in that I have a copy of the original Doom and the expansion board game and in the past have been able to lay out a fairly fill a 7′ by 6′ table. Another option is to use the boards in AVP the original version was still available for knock down Prices.

Space hulk boards for most editions can be brought including full sets for not silly prices on Ebay which could be an option and far cheaper than trying to buy a copy (unless it suddenly re-appears from GW).

At the worst designing a grid system on graph paper with pencil could be done, though their a lot of dungeon designers that may be suitable on the web.






Sample Doom board.Sample Doom board.
AVP boardAVP board

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