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Warhammer World Birthday Battle: The Hunt for Cawl

Warhammer World Birthday Battle: The Hunt for Cawl

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The Mission

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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As detailed separately, a Battalion detachment of Imperial Allies face off against a Battalion of the Adeptus Mechanicus forces of Belisarius Cawl.



The battle takes place on the Shrine World Borealis IV table at Warhammer World.  Start by placing 6 “Necron Crystal” objective markers on the board.  Players roll off and then, starting with the highest, each side alternates in placing the objective markers anywhere on the board that is at least 12” from any other objective marker and 6” from any table edge.



The deployment map used is Dawn of War

The player who placed the last objective marker picks one of the deployment zone for their army.  Each side then alternates deployment of their troops beginning with the player who did not pick their deployment zone.  Alternate deployment continues until one side has deployed all their troops and then the other side can deploy the remainder of their troops.  Any units that are to be held in reserve by either side should be deployed last.


Players roll off to see who takes the first turn.  The side who finished deploying first adds +1 to their dice roll.  If the winner of the roll off choose to take the first turn, their opponent may choose to roll a dice.  On a roll of a 6 they manage to seize the initiative and take the first turn instead. (Command Points may not be used to re-roll)



If Belisarius Cawl has 5 or more wounds remaining at the end of Battle Round 3 then read Story Event 1.

If Belisarius Cawl is still alive at the end of Battle Round 4, and it has not already been revealed, then now read Story Event 1.

The game ends at the end of Battle Round 5 and the winner is determined using the victory conditions below.



Recover the Artefact

Vulkan He’Stan’s orders from Greyfax are to assist her in bringing in Cawl.  She has promised that should this objective be achieved then the Salamanders may have the artefact if it is in Cawl’s possession, or may interrogate him as to its whereabouts.  However, the Forgefather is not planning to leave anything to chance, let alone the integrity of an untrustworthy archmagos.  The artefact is inside one of those xenos crystals.  He can sense it.

The ‘Object’ is also key to Cawl’s plans.  Everything he has planned for hinges on this moment. It has taken months to narrow its location down to this tainted shrine and to prepare for its extraction.  Guilliman’s dogs cannot be allowed to interfere.  Cawl is resolved to recover the artefact before Vulkan He’Stan does, and escape this hellish world with his prize.

At the end of each movement phase, if any Salamanders or Adeptus Mechanicus units CONTROL an objective, they must roll a D6.  On a roll of a 6, the artefact has been found.  Remove all of the other objective markers from the battlefield and read Story Event 2

Note that Katarinya Greyfax or any Adeptus Custodes units do not interact with the objective markers.  The artefact is of no interest to them.  Their mission grants no time for distractions.

Whichever force CONTROLS the artefact at the end of Battle Round 5 secures 5 Victory Points.

The Fate of Cawl

Greyfax’s only goal is to bring Cawl down and drag him back to Guilliman.  Cawl just needs time to complete his work before leaving this world to its xenos-ridden fate.

If Cawl is reduced to zero wounds then the Imperium force gains 5 Victory Points.

If Cawl survives until the end of Battle Round 5 then he disappears with the flash of a teleportation signature, and the Adeptus Mechanicus force scores 5 Victory Points.

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