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Cult of Games Member

If any company can survive the ‘threat’ of videogames and whatever Brexit means to this industry it’s them.

With small scale skirmish games like Killteam, their use of pre-coloured plastics and easy build kits they have reduced the amount of time needed to get people playing, which should help a lot .
I’d say this also re-emphasizes that dropping WFB and switching to ‘Age of Sigmar’ was a very good idea.
As such they’ve set themselves up for success next year, unless disaster strikes.

Adeptus Titanicus may have to prove itself as a game, but it could be a solid core game line.

I think people forget that very few (I’m even tempted to say ‘none’) companies can operate within this hobby at the scale that GW does. The only companies with bigger revenue streams are the kind of mass market operations that make GW look like saints by comparison.

I’m no expert, but their trades look like a steady line upwards. The recent drop in october may simply be the result of the Brexit anxiety that is caused by sensationalist media and lazy/greedy politicians who prefer to fan to flames of conflict instead of looking for a solid compromise.

(*) videogames have threatened pretty much any hobby because they offer more immediate ‘fun’, which is essential if you don’t have a lot of time to spend on such activities. As did CCG’s once upon a time …
At the same time conventions like recent Spiel ’18 in Essen show that the industry itself is alive and kicking despite this supposed threat to its existence.

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