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Reply To: A Kickstarter by Artipia Games to try and recover from the $6000 theft at Essen

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion A Kickstarter by Artipia Games to try and recover from the $6000 theft at Essen Reply To: A Kickstarter by Artipia Games to try and recover from the $6000 theft at Essen



From the sound of it, they need to do what the Sugar Plum Craft fair does in Orange County CA. Basically all the items are marked with a sales tag that identifies the vendor, every attendee gets big burlap  shopping bags at the start, they put items they want to buy in the bags, then once they are done shopping they bring the tagged items up to a main cash register area at the exit (which has full security), the vendor and prices of the items are jotted down there for records. The money is then separated at the end of the day based on the on the recorded info.


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