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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition Reply To: Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition


Cult of Games Member

Nice to see some of us are getting hobby  stuff done this weekend  . Others of us … well we’re just passing time . Actually getting a few things done between , socializing , going to fast food joints  and watching to many dvds .  My plane is probably 75 % done with just the pilot and bomb load to finish up , then go through my box of decals to see what looks cool . Also started my German 234/3 armored car conversion which consists of cutting of the hull roof  off a 234/2 Puma and adding a short 75mm gun and some internal bits ( seats , steering wheels { front & rear } ammo etc) . IMG_20181104_161210116NB_40_4_72IMG_20181103_222243891

dawfydd , those color shift paints really make those figures “pop” ,  I’ve got to get some of those paints and try them out on a couple of figure projects

horati0nosebl0wer , thanks for that video link , lots of interesting ideas to try out .

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