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Building An Industrial Hive Table

Building An Industrial Hive Table

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Galvanic Servohaulers Finished

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
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More progress on the Galvanic Servohaulers. I’ve been a bit slow updating this project but there’s more to come. Previously I’d worked through several layers to get a yellow base. Then I moved on to repainting non-yellow areas black before roughly overbrushing exposed parts with P3 Bloodstone and P3 Khador Red Highlight. Other details were roughly painted with leadbelcher. After that I slapped Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade all over them.

Galvanic Servohaulers Finished
Galvanic Servohaulers Finished
Galvanic Servohaulers Finished

Next I worked on the power glow on certain area. This was done by painting the lit areas in steadily narrowing layers of:
– Vallejo Panzer Aces 70.309 Periscopes
– Vallejo Model Colour 70.808 Blue Green
– Vallejo Model Colour 70.844 Deep Sky Blue
– Vallejo Game Colour 72.001 Dead White

Finally I glazed all the glowing areas in Badger Ghost Tint Plasma Fluid. Since it’s terrain I don’t want the glow too stand out too much.

After this I sponged on some P3 Bloodstone to make rusty patches with the odd part having some GW Leadbelcher painted in.

I finished with a drybrush of Leadbelcher in a few areas.

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