Horus Heresy - World Eaters Paintblog by Andre77
4th day finished: jumppacks and armor
Man have forgotten how much time it needs to paint 10 Marines in a row.
Almost finished the jumppacks. What did i do first? Well i started on the exhaust.
Yes, i painted it with averland sunset and added more white to the edge.
Then i used boltgun metal/lead belcher on the intake of the jumpack and the exhaust panels. I washed those with a thinned black ink (i like how it flows into the corners and still shines oily).
After this i painted the blue with caledor sky/enchated blue, i washed over this with thinned asurmen blue wash.
At last i painted the rivets in pure boltgun metal/leadbelcher.
Thinking about adding some black inks on them too, maybe not, because i dont want to ruin the blue. Maybe i will just do some highlighting on the corners with caledor sky + a little bit white.
Here is a total of the overall work + a bit prework on the armor to see if it works out like i want it.
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