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Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

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Dwarf Ironclads Part I "The Beta test Lads"

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So it’s April I want a small 6 model Warband to mess around with the Beta test Rules.

THE PROBLEM: I don’t have any stock Mantic models infantry models painted up that aren’t in unit Multi-bases. ( Personal Neurosis: I like  to use the company’s models with the company’s rules.. If I like the game I try to support the company who makes it , exception RPGs … as you use what you can get your hands on. Third party manufacturers don’t get money off me , if you use them that is your perogative, I’m fine with it, it’s your hobby , I personally don’t).

I like multi-bases for KoW as I am getting old and couldn’t be @r$ed painting up full battalions any more.  I usually run at 66.6% rounded up. With Vanguard I need individual models but want a way to easily convert them into a multi-base (at about two thirds model count).  I need 5 troops and one leader/sergeant to start

THE SOLUTION:  I rumage through the cupboard of requirement where I have boxes of unpainted models …. (sigh) … and find the Mantic 2nd edition 2 Player starter, “The Battle for Ironhold”. I purchased it, just in case I needed it …..sigh, when I saw that it was the last one in stock. It features Dwarfs (yay!!) and Undead (pffft)  I check the back of the box it contains 10 Ironclad troops, enough for me to start with.  I  do some quick Maths and realise that I need another 4 troops to make the 14 I need for a full battalion for KoW and order in another box of Ironclads (the extra 16 bodies will come in useful .. honest),  some extra 20 mm bases (you’ll see) and some Mantic movement trays.

I knock out the Ironclad Sergeant and 5 troops in swift order. Play with them, and proceed to have them all painted up by the end of June. The lads and I played  6 happy games of Vanguard during that time, we had fun  and had a 50% success rate (unheard of)

DISCLAIMER: I am not a painter’s @r$e. I am improving, even in my dotage, but these are only table top standard. It is also the first time I attempted free hand symbols, they are adequate but not great, particularly under a camera’s close up.


My brave, stoic lads, Ieuan's Ironclads. I have become strangely fond of them.My brave, stoic lads, Ieuan's Ironclads. I have become strangely fond of them.

I usually paint models in ones or two with 4 other projects on the go at the same time. It has increased my productivity even though this seems odd and counter productive.


My Mantic Dwarfs (& Forge Fathers) have an Orange/Black/Bronze pallette with a Sky Blue spot colour. I can turn one of these out in an hour and a half tops.

I use a white spray undercoat, then I wash all over with Nuln Oil GLOSS. This fills in the recesses, picks out the detail for my world weary eyes yet doesn’t darken down the white surfaces for the base coats I then add.

Base Coats were kept to minimum, mid flesh, Orange , black, Bronze, and brown(s) . I then give it an all over wash either Agarax Earthshade or Army Painter Strong Tone.

When this drys I pick out a few highlights with lighter versions of the base coat colours, base it and the job’s done. It is effective to produce average standard troops quickly.


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the gloss wash over white is a touch of genius.Also extra minis are always useful, you could paint them up in a different scheme and use them with your Northern Warband

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