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This topic contains 42 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by tanath 6 years, 1 month ago.
October 27, 2018 at 11:02 pm #1293608
So, who wants to recommend me a dungeon crawler. Stipulations (as in, characteristics I am looking for) are:
(1) Good quality, paintable miniatures
(2) Multiplayer (preferably cooperative without a Dungeon Master, Gamesmaster or the like)
(3) is reasonably priced
(4) has good, stremalined gameplay. Basically, what this means is that gameplay isn’t clunky. A clunky game to me would be the two d and d ones; Curse of Strahd and Wrath of Ashardalon. I own both, but they lack on the minis side and gameplay, but lack a dm.
Thanks for reading!
October 28, 2018 at 10:07 am #1293763How picky about theme are you? i.e. Do you want a swords and sorcery, hack and slash game? I’ve not played Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight, but it looks fun if you like SW. Level 7: Omega Protocol is a ‘modern / SF / alien conspiracy’ dungeon crawler being reprinted on Kickstarter at the moment (there’s an article / video interview about it on TableTop at the moment).
I enjoy Dark Souls, but it’s got some serious flaws which mean people either love it or hate it (or customise it!).
I have a few other dungeon crawl games with various themes and can talk about the miniatures and art but haven’t played enough games yet to be able to offer you honest advice about how good they are as games.
Are there any particular games you’ve been looking at / tempted by?
October 28, 2018 at 12:02 pm #1293869You could try Dungeon Saga, Star Saga or Sword and Sorcery. Good miniatures, co-op and solo play
October 28, 2018 at 1:57 pm #1293948October 28, 2018 at 3:35 pm #129402475 – 125 euros @limburger
To everyone else thanks so far, Ill come back later for more detailed replies. Im doing a self imposed iron man painting challenge this weekend so toodles! Well today. not this weekend
October 28, 2018 at 7:33 pm #1294198Heroquest.
October 28, 2018 at 7:35 pm #1294199But in all seriousness. I say Imperial Assault. Great minis, good gmae play. Lots of expansions so you won’t get bored. Can be played with a GM or there are is an app with two missions to playing against.
October 28, 2018 at 9:05 pm #1294261Zombicide boardgames (both the medieval or green horde variant) are kind of dungeon crawl, but it is at the outer limits of your budget.
I was going to suggest Index card RPG ( https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/221038/INDEX-CARD-RPG-Free-Quickstart ), but given that you want a pure co-op experience that probably isn’t an option.
October 28, 2018 at 10:48 pm #1294302Something like the new (or newest) Mansions of Madness from FFG is a Lovecraft-themed co-op dungeon crawler, with an app running the bad guys / the mystery. I’ve not played it, but it looks really cool.
October 28, 2018 at 11:26 pm #1294306I love playing dungeon saga, it’s a great board game. The rules are so straight forward that I can quickly get non-gamers sat a table desperate for their hero to go first. As overlord, you can tweak your play style to give a challenging, close game for your players.
Not the pure coop game you preferred, but to have a little go at the GM role, and a box full of great minis that paint up lovely, as well as scenery elements to give a fab 2.5d game board, for the low end of your budget, it’s bang on. And there’s plenty of expansions if you want to take it further.
October 29, 2018 at 10:29 am #1294390Overlord sounds suspiciously like Dungeonmaster to me, and the minis mantic do aren’t great imho. Thanks for the recommendation though. The scenery is a bonus though, as well as the game board and budget.
I love lovecraft. I wonder what the minis and cost are for it. I better check this one out.
My main interests would be sci-fi, fantasy, horror (ala lovecraft) and I would not have much if any interest in modern warfare. I don’t find the Level 7 stuff appealing, sadly.
What are the serious flaws with Dark Souls, I kept hearing good things about it in the past.
Two of my friends own Zombicide and Zombicide black plague, so I don’t need to worry about that. Excellent games though 😉
I already won that, it is excellent, and 99% painted up. I would love to own the original heroquest though. A shame it is so expensive on the internet…
I haven’t heard of Sword and Sorcery. It sounds good. Can you tell me more about it?
October 29, 2018 at 1:02 pm #1294431The Stygian Depths?
It’s the one on kickstarter at this moment from AntiMatter Games which also uses models from ShadowSea and DeepWars…
You’ll need a few more months patience though…
October 29, 2018 at 3:32 pm #1294511Sword and Sorcery is similar to Dungeon Saga. Good miniatures and story. I haven’t played it yet, still one of the many Kickstarters sitting in my games room. It uses an App to keep track of the stats to keep track of the stats of your characters. Will have to dust it off and have a go at it now. If you go onto their website www.sword-and-sorcery.com you can download the rules and learn more about the App. Hope you find a game that you like.
October 29, 2018 at 3:58 pm #1294512Overlord is a DM, but they do have an expansion, the Adventurers Companion that adds among other things an AI deck for solo or co-op play.
October 29, 2018 at 5:44 pm #1294515Mantic’s Dungeon Saga looks good to me. The miniatures are much better than a lot of Mantic’s earlier stuff. I’d say they’re on a par with most other modern, good quality miniature board games these days (while not being up to the Kingdom Death standard).
Beasts of War did a ru through of 2/3 games I think, so you could watch and get a bit of the flavour. There are rules for running the monsters with an AI deck, although I don’t know what that’s like / how good it is.
As for Dark Souls… I think most people’s assumption with Dungeon Crawlers is that you pick your characters, go charging in, kill the monsters, grab the loot, level up, rinse and repeat with gradually tougher and tougher monsters but with gradually better and better skills and equipment.
With Dark Souls you enter the first room of your first dungeon and you’ll be torn to shreds in the first ten minutes. On your second attempt you’ll last a bit longer. By your third of fourth attempt, you get how it works, what tactics to use, and you’ll barely break a sweat. You then enter the next room and probably the same thing happens.
In my view the flaws are that they’ve stuck too closely to the PC game it is based on. Not only is the difficulty level set at ‘hard’ by default, but the tactics you need to learn replicate how you get better at video games: lots of practice, lots of trying and failing. The combat encounters are in some ways more like puzzles than combats in more traditional dungeon crawler games. You learn how enemies act and react, and adapt accordingly. Which is why even the weakest monsters kill you easily first time round, but it’s how you learn to exploit their weaknesses to the point that you can outsmart them and take them out.
It’s a very long game. You probably need 2-3 hours for a standard game. The game has a built in ‘get killed and respawn’ mechanic which means it can feel quite repetitive.
Another flaw in my view is that the loot you pick up is really random. So you keep accumulating wargear that you can’t use because you haven’t levelled up sufficiently / don’t have high enough stats to do so. And by the time you are strong enough to use the ‘sword of doom’ you then find you keep picking up low level equipment that is no use to you now, but would have been really handy during the first couple of hours of game play.
The random loot acquisition contributes to the long play time to make it feel quite repetitive, as sometimes you know what you need to do to beat the encounter but simply haven’t got the equipment you need to have much of a chance.
That all said, the reason I enjoy it is a) because it looks fantastic. It’s got a beautiful, dark theme, lovely miniatures, etc. And because you have to treat it like a puzzle. You have to tell yourself not to think of a replayed encounter as being boring and repeating yourself. In practice it’s not very different to clearing one room of monsters, moving on to the next, then the next, and so on. Most dungeon crawlers are by nature pretty repetitive. You have to see each encounter as a puzzle, that you have to learn and adapt to.
I think it would be a better board game if it was less like the video game, but although I recognise the flaws, i still think it’s a fun game if you understand the assumptions it makes.
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