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Civs Napoleonic British - Black Powder 28mm

Civs Napoleonic British - Black Powder 28mm

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Regiments on parade

Tutoring 2
Skill 13
Idea 7
The muster is completeThe muster is complete
The highlandersThe highlanders
Cavalry to the flanksCavalry to the flanks

The basics are done, some tidying up but we are there. I have learnt so much doing my Prussians the later troops were definitely easier to paint than the first batch i did.

My attention next will be on some Prussuan Landwher. I love me some Napoleonics!

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GerrycivilcourageTeis Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That is beautiful! Well done. Thanks for the inspiration.

I really like (apart from the great models, painting etc) that you have made a proper combined arms army. When painting large armies like that I tend to just go down a route – e.g. infantry – and then forget to build a balanced force. But yours is proper and well rounded. Very cool.


fantastic work there, Prussians would be interesting to see, are all of the minis from Victrix?

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