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Civs Napoleonic British - Black Powder 28mm

Civs Napoleonic British - Black Powder 28mm

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The Colonels arrive to inspect the men

Tutoring 0
Skill 10
Idea 3
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Inspection at midday Inspection at midday

Still a little bit of work to do on these chaps, the middle one looks a bit like lord flashart from the blackadder series so im going to get him modeled more closely to that character …Woof!.

The bases were done in a rush to get them semi tabletop ready so will be redoing them a little, i also need to finish the horses as they are a bit rough as well.

They should be good enough for the games day we have lined up so once done its onto the next regiment.

I have a perry box of minis primed and partly painted so i will look to base them for sharpe practice.

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