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Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

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Mammoth Fur

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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This post details how I painted the mammoth fur.  Details are in the captions.

Base Coat - Minitaire Bark airbrushed over entire model. Base Coat - Minitaire Bark airbrushed over entire model.
I then drybrushed Vallejo Game Color Leather Brown over the fur.  I mixed a little Leather Brown with Vallejo Game Color Dark Fleshtone for the trunks.  Trunks were then highlighted with a drybrush of Leather Brown.  After drybrushing, I made an ink wash out of water, flo-aid, and Vallejo Game Inks Sepia, Brown, and Black. I then drybrushed Vallejo Game Color Leather Brown over the fur. I mixed a little Leather Brown with Vallejo Game Color Dark Fleshtone for the trunks. Trunks were then highlighted with a drybrush of Leather Brown. After drybrushing, I made an ink wash out of water, flo-aid, and Vallejo Game Inks Sepia, Brown, and Black.
Highlights of Vallejo Game Colors Leather Brown and Plague Brown were drybrushed over the wash. Highlights of Vallejo Game Colors Leather Brown and Plague Brown were drybrushed over the wash.
ModelMaster matte varnish was then sprayed over the mammoths to protect the paint.ModelMaster matte varnish was then sprayed over the mammoths to protect the paint.
Mammoth group photo.  The huge mammoths aren't officially part of the army.  I got them from Eureka with a lizardmen order because I very much wanted to paint them.  For now, they'll be used as siege towers.Mammoth group photo. The huge mammoths aren't officially part of the army. I got them from Eureka with a lizardmen order because I very much wanted to paint them. For now, they'll be used as siege towers.

Up next, Ogres!

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