Rasmus's PHR reborn - DropZone Commander Revisited
So this weekend in Lansing, MI – is the annual GT, and part of that is a 1 day DropFleet and 1 day DropZone tournament sponsored by TT combat – I will play in both but I mainly care about the DropZone which will be run using the V2 beta rules. Including new beta-beta units (rules for all the units that was not in the original book, but in Reconquest phase 1 or 2 or not yet in any book at all), see the unofficial units on http://michigangt.com/rules-and-mission-packets/
So as there is a chance to play V2 and play with new toys I will take the V2 army here on the road, so time to haste paint the missing parts in the list I came up with.
Good luck tomorrow!