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Delicious Desert table

Delicious Desert table

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Step 2. Ingredients

Tutoring 3
Skill 0
Idea 3
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Hello again!

Lets get straight to the biscuits. Before you can make the table you’ll need a few things:


Step 2. Ingredients

For the base I am using insulation foam.

I chose this as it is lighter than MDF and as it won’t need to be modular (unlike a city table for example) I don’t need to cut them.

The pieces I got are 1200mm X 600mm. Perfect size.

I bought four sheets (at about $12 each), three for the table itself allowing me to make a 4×4 or 6×4 surface. The fourth sheet will be used for making some Hills.

Other essentials are:

  • Gaffer tape
  • Stanley knife
  • Metal ruler
  • Spray bottle
  • Big container of pva glue
  • Sand (kids playground sand is dirt cheap……)
  • Paper towel
  • A cheap brush
  • Spack filler
  • A nice coffee

These are all cheap and easy to find. Next time we begin creating!

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