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Interactive tabletop playing surface (Space Hulk Hobby Challenge)

Interactive tabletop playing surface (Space Hulk Hobby Challenge)

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Scrap it and start again

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 10
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Is there anything that can't be improved by the addition of a few LEDs?Is there anything that can't be improved by the addition of a few LEDs?

I even added some LEDs to a few of the terrain pieces and could turn them on and off as pieces moved around the rooms. It all looked really impressive.

But it felt like a lot of work, with the door connectors (sometimes a little intermittent unless they were perfectly aligned) and the LEDs – although pretty cool-looking – were little more than a gimmick.

Scrap it and start again

Given the amount of time and effort required to create each individual piece, it seemed a bit of a shame that the whole hardware couldn’t be re-used for other games – should I want to revisit my original idea of a digital Blood Bowl board, a lot of the technology I’d developed would be redundant.

There was only one thing for it….

Scrap the lot and start again!

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