Star Wars Legion by Mage
Sleep Time and Reflection
Ive had to do a bit of editing and made a few mistakes, glitches notwithstanding. Ive decided to retire for the night. I assembled the entire set today in spite of getting a lot of glue and cork on my fingers as well as losing/finding important parts. Tomorrow is a day for gap filling and priming.
I did finish assembling the set, yes, but did not photograph everything. That is another thing I will do and post up tomorrow. I did a few little conversions here and there to add variety to my force and hope you enjoy them when they get unveiled. I also have some ideas for this I hope you will like.
I want to make my Star Wars Legion set very different to anything else you may see out there and I hope my ideas do that. I dont want to spill the beans too early or ruin it, Im eager to jealously guard my idea until I can show it off and hopefully impress everyone, haha.
Stay tuned!
More to follow tomorrow…
(or you could peruse my imgur account)
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