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Soapdodger's 8th army

Soapdodger's 8th army

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First Valentine

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 5
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I got everything out this morning to take a look. As ever I am not drawn to painting infantry and went right for a tank!

The steps (more for me than you as I have two) were:

  • Prep model and a light wash in mildly soapy water.
  • Prime model in black I used AK 178.
  • Prime model further and add some tone with AK 177.
  • Sprayed rust effect colours AK 551 to make everything rusty for chipping.
  • Sprayed Worn effect AK 088.
  • Sprayed AK4031 Portland stone.
  • Worn with water and a brush.
  • Made and applied transfers (will attach PDF).
  • Gloss coat over transfers and then satin coat the transfers.
  • Brushed black on tracks and road wheels.
  • Brushed Grey rubber on roadwheels.
  • Brushed Vallejo rust texture on exhaust.
  • Dry Brushed rust effects on the tracks and exhaust.
  • Added metallic paint to paper towel and rubbed unevenly on edges of tracks.
  • Brushed enamel weathering paints, pin wash first.
  • Brushed Weathering pigments and fixer.
  • Stippled Fuel stains effects.

I now understand why I couldn’t do all of this at the boot camp 🙂



I think I will finish off the Piper to look at the basing and one of the carriers that’s close to completion. More to come at a relaxed pace!

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