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Battlestar Galactica The Thin Red Line

Battlestar Galactica The Thin Red Line

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I think we need a Bigger Boat

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 7
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I think we need a Bigger Boat

Since the Colonial Mover was a step in the right direction for me. I thought I should start working on a Large Scale Adamant Frigate.  Again, I keep going back to how big is to big? And how long do you honestly want to be printing to create it. My 1st thought way s to make this ship 28 inches long. After cutting up the parts to checking print time, it just didn’t much sense.

Again comparing a 28 inch long Adamant to a 8 inch Colonial Mover would just seem completely off scale to each other. I ended up settling with a 18 inch long Adamant Frigate which I will go into details later.

Now a thing to remember with me and artists in general. Before they finish one project they are already thinking about the next project they want to work on.


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