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Slaaneshi Love.. with more tentacles

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So the sides are now covered with some base forms of Apoxiesculpt. Looking back at the Magic card Blood Lust there was much that I wanted to do. The organic nature of Chaos contamination on square inorganic shapes was a motif that I wanted to work with. The purely organic nature of sculpting the base was what I ended up with. Mortifying the flesh (such a delicious phrase, really) seems to be the Slaaneshi aesthetic instead of the decay and putrescence of Nurgle.

In trying to keep some sort of Chaos element that feels more twisted toward pierced flesh I took a hint from a horror film where one of the main characters had shards or metal protruding from her (Hellraiser: Deader?). Add to this some requisite chains and all the squidgy bits seem less akin to Grandfather Rot.

I’ve debated on whether or not I’d buy ModPodge to use on the base and create irregular bulk and found that my aim would be toward more sculpting. I’ll pick up some more greenstuff and build the textures up. I think I might play with the idea in future with this aesthetic because I know I can create terrain with plaster bandages like train modellers do for mountains. Chaos taint terrain for tabletop play, a gift to give away after fooling around with it should I take up the project.

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