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Slaaneshi Love.. with more tentacles

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A matter of squishy pink bits

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In building the base I thought there might be some confusion as to whether or not it was a Slaanesh or Nurgle oriented one. I think it can be summarized best to ask the questions of ‘what is the color of the flesh/bodily fluids involved’ and ‘whether or not the tentacles are meant to tickle or tunnel through you’ (it might not even be a point of difference after thinking about that question).

The thought of playing with a fleshy construct appealed to me. I think it also seems to be a bleed over from Vampire the Masquerade 2nd ed. with the Tzimisce clan. The ideas are intruiging to explore as to question what makes people uncomfortable and why. *shrug* Off to play with more skin, bone, muscle and sinews.

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