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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier… Reply To: Hobby Weekender 21/09/2018 – Sometimes even earlier…


Cult of Games Member

Wow … I remember a lot of those shows.
We didn’t have a lot of tv, but I somehow do remember Visionaries …

And that “Once upon a time …” show was French/German in origin I think.

@evilstu : 3 shall be the number and the number shall be 3.

I think you’ve been watching Monty Python recently 😉

Not much to pledge this week, ’cause it’s Elfia weekend and next week it’s Bootcamp time 🙂

This weekend the event is at the castle gardens near Arcen. It’s not as big as the one near Utrecht earlier this year.

// 1) What is your favourite mythical or fantastical creature or tale from folklore and why?
// Ever tried incorporating that creature into a game?
// If so, tell us about it. If not are there any settings you feel they would work well in?

Only one comes to mind : the dragon …
Not the evil variant, but the kind variant. Like in ‘Neverending story’ and Dragon Heart

// 2) Favourite TV show or shows form your childhood. Have you ever re-watched them as an adult? If so, how did they hold up without the nostalgia goggles?

As I said … we didn’t have a lot of tv shows when I was a tiny kid. Not one that I can remember at least.

MacGyver needs mentioning. Making science cool before Mythbusters.

It was kind of odd seeing him in Stargate when that series started, because Angus was a pacifist to the extreme.

Then there was a series called ‘Fall guy’ with Lee Majors, which I watched on German tv channel (ZDF?).
It also was the first time I watched a show with a commercial break. I think it was ten minutes …

Buck Rogers was awesome :

I was watching re-runs of Knightrider, A-team and Airwolf recently.
And they aren’t as cool as they used to be.

3) What is the one hobby project you have always wanted to do but have never started? What is holding you back from starting?

*eh* looks at mountain of plastic … *eh* …
Lack of proper hobby space is really starting to become annoying for me too. Storage space is kind of an issue too LOL

I remember wanting to do an army for Warhammer Fantasy (1st edition?) It was a bit before Rogue Trader aka 40k v1.
Skaven were kind of interesting.

And speaking of Rogue Trader … I wanted to do a mixed army with squats (they had them on bikes … how cool is that ? Hearthguard looked interesting too), Harlequins, imperial guard and spacemarines (because of the terminators).
Why ? Because I could not (and still can’t TBH) chose which one. I even had the original boxed harlequin set (I think I lost it when I moved).

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