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More infos about the unseen warbands for Warhammer Underwolrds Nightvault

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion More infos about the unseen warbands for Warhammer Underwolrds Nightvault

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  iceeagle85 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Here you can see the boxes for those 2 expansions.

    And some more infos from the comments from the user Craig Archer (not sure if true though):

    “The tzeentch band contains a sorcerer of tzeentch with a big feather cape, a tzaangor with greatsword, an acolyte with sword and shield, an acolyte with just sword, a blue horror, and a pair of brimstone horrors on a base.

    The goblin band has a shaman with lantern and staff, a fanatic, a netter, an armoured goblin with a branding pole, 3 bow grots and 2 squigs. That’s right, 9 guys. I suspect the branding guy controls squigs in a way to maximise actions

    There’s a blue horror which splits into a brimstone pair. So assuming the blue doesn’t need summoning first the band starts with 5 on the board

    Just checked. Summoning is an action for the sorc. If no blue or brimstone are on board he can use an action to summon a blue”

    Sounds good.



    The Warhammer Community website has revealed  4 unseen warbands:

    Chaos Barbarians (probably Darkoath or however you spell that)

    Monsters/things? Includes the already seen flying Squig and the Troggoth and a living mushroom and a living rock??




    The Troggoth warband looks strange but fun and I really like that we get a Kharadron Warband.

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