Scratch building a warhound for 40k
Recommendations: 134
About the Project
Started some time ago but, the time has come to complete the mother.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Added pistons to the tows and some extra armour the the legs, as well as some small hatches at the shoulders.
the first bit of kit detail was also added.
Slowly but surely
Started to add the pistons and made a cooling system on the back of the torso
Mow of fangs
Work continues, completed the arrow star on the right shin and on the back.
created the world eaters icon and put it on the croch panel and the Khorn icon on the left shin
More detailing and who's a big boy
Working on more details this time with milliput, also when googleing found a image that would have bean more useful at the start. My mut stands at around 14inch where as production ones are 10.5, o well go big or go home lol.
Details 2
Continued with details using craft foam and then used a home texture paint to add the crown ?
Beginning to detail
Useing craft foam strips to edge out all the plates
First load out
So the first two weapons are made.
think that the barrels on the laser look a bit on the thin side but I use what I have to hand and I do love the tips
each weapon is built around a bit of plumbing pipe and there’s a friction fitting on the shoulders of the hound, this means I can switch them out with ease.
Where I am so fare.
Quite a while back ( December 2017) I started a project to make myself a warhound for 40k, the Internet was to get it don for a game of apocalypse that was ultimately cancelled and so the project was put on the back shelf. But now is the time to get her done.
this post is a bit of a photo bomb to show how I got to this point