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40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

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Dreadnaught 2 - Vanilla Dreadnaught, not An Ironclad

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 3

Looks like an Ironclad but the plating on the front isn’t a 100% match.  I hope the missing shoulder turret things are in a box somewhere.  Are the essential or are there variants without them?


Edit 14/01/19: Trying to identify the loadout

He has a Lascannon, and Mark V Power Fist.

The spares are a Left Shoulder Missile Launcher and a Right Shoulder Assault Cannon

I also have these weapons.  If I was inclined, and I could safeley remove the existing weapons I could magnetise both sets to swap in and out.  Still not sure what was glued to its shoulders once, but it doesn't seem to matter.I also have these weapons. If I was inclined, and I could safeley remove the existing weapons I could magnetise both sets to swap in and out. Still not sure what was glued to its shoulders once, but it doesn't seem to matter.

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Cult of Games Member

Looks like a normal dreadnought to me.

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