Metalica Skitarii Kill Team
Recommendations: 36
About the Project
I decided to start my Kill Team adventure by painting these Skitariis for my youngest son, who purchased a core box and desires to play with friends (and hopefully his dad). he icked Metalica for his forge world and researched the composition of the kill team himself, resulting in a mix of Skitarii rangers and vanguards.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
Priming - Coats liners and steel
I started by priming the miniatures once they were built (which took a significant amount of time). I chose white as the coats are to be white and I wanted to simplify a path to a decent main color.
After the miniature were primed, I proceed to painting the coats lining in red and all the steel area of the miniatures. Not mounting the miniatures on bases allows for much easier access to the model and easier paint.
Blocking Colors - Shading and Highlighting Lower Body
I decided to first block general colors on the miniatures (except for weapons which i will get to later) then shade and highlight the lower bodies so as not to go back to them once they are mounted on temporary bases.
Project Completed - Team Ready to Hit the Warzone...
I completed shading and highlighting of all kill team members. Attached are photos of the final result along with a step-by-step tutorials for thoses who are tempted to paint a similar team.