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Cult of Games Member

Well, historically and tactically, the idea is to spread out a gun crew’s men and ammunition a little to mitigate their vulnerability to enemy fire or accident.  They are handling explosives under stress, after all.  So the photo on the back of your box is probably pretty close to what I’ve seen in most wartime photos and footage of medium-gauge antitank guns. The men almost form a line working backwards from the firing point to make it easier to bring up new units for fire when the lorry / caisson comes rolling by, so that loads of explosives in soft-skin (or even horse-drawn) vehicles are not parked right next to guns that the enemy is targeting, or at the very least, is sporting a hot breech at the moment.

But you’re right, that doesn’t make the best use of space on the base, though.

Honestly I would consider not even using a base for all those elements.  But seriously, I have never worked with, built, painted, or even played with 28mm artillery on the table.  When it comes to the practical aspects of this piece as a gaming miniature, I am the probably worst person to ask.


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