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Video Introduction To Deneb

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 2

Ok, so I made a video to give a bit of an overview of how Deneb plays. It ended up waaaay too long at 45 minutes, but it ended up being a general introduction to the game. The game actually flows really nicely once you get used to it, but I am stopping a lot here to explain things. You can skip ahead to about 15 minutes in to see some actual gameplay!


As I say in the video, any comments welcome. Apologies in advance for the poor video quality and rough editing!

Also been doing some work on taking some nice scenic photographs of the miniatures.

Gatekeeper Vs AxemanGatekeeper Vs Axeman

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davehawesoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Epic idea, to do a video explaining the project. Man, that’s a couple people now that have done this. Really encouraging for me to do something similar. Maybe after the boot camp (time is in a crunch at the moment).


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