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Idoneth Deepkin Slow Build

Idoneth Deepkin Slow Build

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From the Beginning...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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The motivation to get this started was seeing a painting event on Facebook called “The Fellowship of the Brush” happening at the Warhammer store near me.

Needing a kick in the ass to get back on the painting horse, and as an excuse to finally start assembling an Idoneth force,  I decided to enter and picked up the Isharann Tidecaster (skipping the Tech Priest because “Death to the False Emperor!”).

I hope to get the main figure assembled and primed tomorrow, though the cape will remain off until the end.

I’ll also be experimenting with basing using the Thralls bases. I want to create a slightly flooded sandy base rather than a beach front that I’ve seen others do. I have some Vallejo sand texture and am waiting on the Mediterranean water gel to arrive on Thursday.

The spanner in my plan is I’m getting my wisdom teeth extracted (they’re sunk deep and parallel in there and need to be sliced to be removed as well as jamming in some good old fashioned cadaver bone implants in the gaps) on Thursday morning. I’m assuming a week top recover based on having had the other side done in June.

I’ll post next with the assembled model and my plans for colors and painting techniques. I’m looking to push myself so I’ll be doing things outside of my comfort zone, because I’m dumb like that.

From the Beginning...
From the Beginning...

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