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Brbla's Thunderwolf Cavalry

Brbla's Thunderwolf Cavalry

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Playing with the Shields

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

As I was painting the shields I was wondering if I could do something special with them. While I was looking at various reference pictures I saw weapons with these gorgeous blue-ish gradients and I absolutely loved that so I thought “hey let’s try this!” 😀

I basically painted the shields with The Fang, same as the armour and then tried to create a gradient from the center with a lighter blue I had (Calgar Blue). I have attemped to use the overloaded brush technique I found just yesterday… somehow it worked, although I think I didn’t use it properly 😀

Playing with the Shields
Playing with the Shields

Of course I’ll need to go back to them to do the runes, it will be a challenge not to ruin the gradient.

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midgetdavehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very nice effect on the shields.

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