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Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Battletech vs Heavy Gear Blitz vs Heavy Gear Silhouette Reply To: Battletech vs Heavy Gear Blitz vs Heavy Gear Silhouette


Cult of Games Member

I think for background I would always go with BT. I have never overly cared what the models look like so for me the sculpts etc are a low priority. For availability (I just checked) Ral Partha Europe has over 500 minis available to buy for BT.


I never really left the 3025 era for gaming BT as there is enough background to keep you going for ever in the lead up to the 4th succession wars.


Rules wise we did swap to Renegade tech which converted the old Centurion damage system to BT and makes for a much more interesting game although does make the games longer

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