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Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

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Drybrush Experiment Failed

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Half way through painting the bases, I felt like the models might need another highlight. So I decided to try a 2nd highlight by drybrushing Celestra Grey. I’d seen a post on the Great British Hobbit League Facebook Group where someone said they had done a drybrush of Celestra Grey on their Army of the Dead, so thought i’d try it to (I’d bought the paint just for this!)

So I gave 3 models a heavy drybrush as a tester…

Now at first, they looked ok in normal sunlight. However, when I switched to using my daylight lamp later on in the evening and compared them to the other models i’d left alone I could clearly see the drybrushed ones were looking powdery. What was most obvious was that it was harder to see the details of the models that had been drybrushed and they had less depth in colour.

So I decided I wouldn’t do any further drybushing and these 3 would be coincided to the repaint pile and join the over 30+ i’d still got to do! No matter, was worth a try.

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