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Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

Levarius' Army of the Dead - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

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Idea 10

My first public project here, quite exciting! I’m thoroughly looking forward to the new version of the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. I’ve always wanted to large Army of the Dead, so in anticipation of the new rules set seems the perfect time! I acquired over 40+ Army of the Dead on a Facebook Trading page.

Here are 3 of the models I acquired on a Facebook trading site. The previous owner had based the models by using a pin to hold them above the base, and thus make them look like they are floating. The bases are made from a layer of green stuff carved out to make like flagstones.

Later in the project I will show my attempts at making bases in the same vain.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of all of them before beginning to paint them, I was too excited to get cracking!

3 Models of the bunch of 40+ ones I have acquired.3 Models of the bunch of 40+ ones I have acquired.

Starting out with the project, I picked up 4 paints from GW, Hexwraith Flame, Guass Blaster Green, Nihilakh Oxide and finally Celestra Grey.

The paints I picked up for the project. Others will be used, but I bought these especially.The paints I picked up for the project. Others will be used, but I bought these especially.

The first step to wash a few test models in Hexwraith Flame. The technical wash is applied very liberally using a large brush. Ensure every spot on the body is covered and nothing is left of the basecoat of white, I had to swap to a smaller brush to get in to the tight spots etc.

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levarius_clewerTonySilvey Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looking good. It will be interesting to see how these play out when we see their army list and what heroes you will be able to add. I’m considering doing this as the new set will give you a base of three potential armies.

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