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Diary of an Oathbreaker, the 40K edition

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I hereby solemnly swear... Oaths 1 and 2

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Oath 1:
I will only buy new models after finishing ones I already own!

Let’s go for the big one from the start. Over the last year or so I have been getting sucked backed into the money pit that is GW.  I think it started with the 7th Ed kill team box, picking up a few more Tau models at the Crisis B&B… Then followed the Know no Fear starter set, an AdMech start collecting box (to start a tale of four warlords like army build), the Forgebane set and the Renegades. And to end the spending spree I went full circle and picked up the new Kill team box.
Building, let alone painting, those new models has been glacial, and that could be insulting to actual glaciers. So after the Kill Team related purchases at the start of this month, I now set the counter to zero.  It will go down one for every model painted (or sold, given or thrown away, yeah right, as if that will happen). It will go up for every new model bought. It should never go over zero.

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