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Return to Val Verde. Spectre Operations display game

Return to Val Verde. Spectre Operations display game

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Val Verde Military

Tutoring 0
Skill 8
Idea 6
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The Val Verde National Army has suffered a turbulent, dark history and is notoriously corrupt.


During the 1980’s, the army suffered several disasters at the hands of American Special Forces, notably the destruction of a secret jungle military installation, that was being used as a liaison center with Soviet intelligence advisors. A low yield nuclear device was observed to detonate deep in the jungle days after the installations destruction, however no further information regarding this has been made public.

In 1985, the Arius Villa was allegedly attacked by a lone Commando, that resulted in the deaths of dozens of Val Verde soldiers, including General Arius. Arius’ death also served to cement General Esperanza’s power base, though the military had been severely weakened by the casualties sustained during the raid.

With Raul Esperanza’s assention to power, the military has been significantly retrained and restructured. A network of firebases with interconnecting fields of fire cover the island, and are able to respond at a moments notice to all major establishments. Simultaneously, response teams mounted in APC’s are rushed to disrupt and contain threats as they develop.

The Val Verde National Army’s command structure still owes a great deal of loyalty to the Esperanza family, with many senior officers having served under Ramone. This loyalty extends to utilizing the military to seek out dissenters and rebels throughout Val Verde.

Figures and Vehicles from Empress Miniatures



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