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Conversion Challenge with the Missus

Conversion Challenge with the Missus

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Oh look, I've got more wing left

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 4

With a lot of wing left, I just had to use more.

Given the narrow join point, I used two pins for each wing to keep them secure and super glue to make sure it stuck.

I then went ahead and build more of the hull. At least as much as I want to before painting.

I also breathed a sigh of relief to see the cannon neatly fit beside the dragon head.

With the last of the wings, I could add them to the ‘ball bit’ instead of the propeller?

Would it be too much, or can there ever be too much wing?

I’ll get cracking on green stuffing below the hull and see what happens.

Oh look, I've got more wing left

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sathrinlancorz Recent comment authors
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This looks like such a fun project, by any chance was it inspired by this conversion:

I saw this last week and I was utterly blown away, can’t wait to see how the dragon turns out with the airship now!

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