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Deenah... again... but different

Deenah... again... but different

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A bit after the beginning... by a lot

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Ok, so as you can see there has been quite a bit of work done already on the barbarian Deenah (02518) from Reaper. The mini has been cleaned of minor mold lines and there’s kitbashing going on all over. I wanted to give a quick 360 gif of the figure for reference since this already has been in progress without documenting it.

To start the broccoli base the figure was cast with has been sawn off and added to the extra metal hoard that I really should get melted to make a few figures. A scratchbuilt base that it is now pinned to was built upon a plain plastic 40mm slotta using pressed cardboard, which was glued together, salvaged out of an IKEA box. The rocky texture was sculpted using Apoxie Sculpt.

The figure initially had a plain two handed broadsword that has been replaced with one of the Overlord weapons in Reaper’s conversion sprue collection. The hilt and blade have both been removed and both replacement parts pinned to attach to the figure. The sword’s blade has yet to be set to allow removal for work on the head. As an aside I think the huge cleaver makes her look all that more menacing so I ran with it.

The next obvious addition is the use of plastic. I’ve used very thin plasticard to form a cloak on her back and what will be a magic effect coming off the sword. The planned sword effect has already been glued on and should hold better after sculpting detail to the form. The cloak has been given some wear holes but has yet to be set and is being held on with poster tack for reference overall. It will be finished with a pin and likely have a hood sculpted to hide/hold it.

The head/hair will be sawn in half  to remove the face and set in a replacement from Statuesque minis and then resculpt hair as was done with the last copy of this figure.

I’m debating on additional modification to the base and figure but I’ll get to that once I’ve done my other mods. So… here’s the mini.

A bit after the beginning... by a lot

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