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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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All ‘Ur Base ‘R Belong To Us

Tutoring 5
Skill 13
Idea 9
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Decided to take a break from the conversions for a bit. Now, when in my local FLGS I noticed the following base kit for Necromunda. It contained a total 10 pre-molded 32mm plastic bases for $6.50. While I probably wouldnt want to base a whole army like this, the set was a perfect impulse buy to cover a kill team. Might need 1 more set given an Ork kill team could be over 10 models.

GW Necromunda BasesGW Necromunda Bases

Below is a picture of the finished bases. Took only about two hours over 2 nights to paint them up. Paints included:

– GW leadbelcher, highlighted with mithril silver

– GW brass, highlighted with mithril silver

– Vallejo red gore highlighted with flat red

– small areas of white, or yellow with black chevrons painted on

– copious varied washes of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade on different parts to give slightly different metallic shades

– detail painting of the GW Oxide paint into the recesses around the brass areas

Completed Bases for my Ork Kill TeamCompleted Bases for my Ork Kill Team

I also painted on lots of scratches to make the bases look worn and “40k”. This was done by:

1) paint small, thin lines of mithril silver

2) on the side of the silver line facing the assumed light source, paint a dark line of 50/50 leadbelcher and black the same length as the silver line

3) alternate painting some scratches like steps 1 and 2, and applying washes. Those scratches under 1-2 layers of wash will appear older, while those over washes will appear newer.

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