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40k inquisitor kill team

40k inquisitor kill team

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Whilst supposed to be making a brew I did this...

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 3
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So I was supposed to be having a night off modeling but when I went to the kitchen my minis were looking at me and I couldn’t help doing a little bit more on them.


The two Titan crew I didn’t really do much to except give one a rifle got them primed and ready for painting. Not sure which way to go with these but I feel like painting them red in an ode to Star Trek away teams.


The ‘squat’ received the most attention, I just wasn’t happy with the gun but the admech came to the rescue again and what emerged was a kind of plasma blunderbuss thing (actually that sounds quite terrifying and awesome at the same time and altogether squattish). Anyway he’s primed and ready for painting


*edit – I have no idea why the pictures are upside down, Clearly some grots are having fun in my phone. I’ll try uploading again when i’ve had some sleep.

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