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40k inquisitor kill team

40k inquisitor kill team

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Raiding the bits box

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 5
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The first job is to raid the bits box (aka the graveyard of abandoned projects) to find suitable models.


First out is this forge world titan crew. I bought these guys originally because I thought they would make a great inquisitor and bodyguard, as you can see I only got round to painting the princeps when I originally painted the model he was holing a samurai sword, I’m sure i will be able to find an alternative.

Next up is Kal Jerrico. I’ve had this model for years, its one of my favourites GW ever produced this seems like the perfect opportunity to paint it up.

Many years ago we ran an inquisitor campaign at my local GW using 40K scale models (my high school model budget wouldn’t stretch to the brilliant inquisitor figures unfortunately). Anyway these were my 2 characters. Shaft originally had a shotgun in his free hand which was “carved” from a lasgun, I’m glad I’ve lost it because it was terrible a quick check through my bits box should reveal a suitable weapon.


The Ash wannabe ogryn is one of my favourite conversions, its not really been looked after though so his mechanical arm is missing an armour plate. If I can’t find a suitable piece i’ll have to sculpt something out of green stuff.

Those of you who are familiar with the Inquisition war will know that Jaq Draco works with a captain of the Imperial Fists, this gave me an idea for a space marine to be seconded to an inquisitor and I just happen to have a model to represent him which I’ve never actually had the opportunity to play with.


one of Jaq’s companions is a squat called Grimm, I love Squats and although I don’t own any I do have a Dwarf Thunderer (and only 1?? i don’t even remember buying it) a quick visit to the Ad Mech sprue should give me some parts to 40K it.

Mechanical dog... why not Mechanical dog... why not

The final model for my Kill team is an old wood elf waywatcher, I love how dynamic this model is and think I could convert it into a great Sniper.

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