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Sepulchral Guard

Sepulchral Guard

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Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 0

Note: Most of the paint mix with Vallejo Medium to make it easy and thin them down, except the dry brushing technique


  • Base – GW Zandri Dust
  • Highlight – Wet Blending by Glazing GW Ushabti Bone and Vallejo Ivory
  • Edge – Vallejo Foundation White
  • Wash – GW Agrax Earthshade on the depth detail

Silver Armour/Sword

  • Base – Vallejo Chaimail Silver
  • Highlight – Vallejo Silver
  • Edge – Vallejo Foundation While
  • Wash – Nuln Oil Gross 50% Agrax Eath Shade Gross 50% only dark section with Hi Contrast


  • Base – Vallejo Dark Red
  • Highlight – Vallejo Scarlett Red
  • Edge – GW Troll Slayer Orange
  • Wash – GW Carroburg CriLmson


  • Base – Glaze with GW Abadon Black
  • Wash – Nuln Oil and Agrax Earth Shade here and there
  • Drybrush – Light Dry Brush Vallejo Ivory and Vallejo Foundation White

Eye Socket

  • Base – Glaze with Vallejo Foundation White to make the background more bright
  • Glaze – GW Blood Letter

Green Up light

  • Glaze – GW Waywatcher Green glaze from beneth part of the model

Rust Effect

  • Drybrush – Randomly dry brushing Vallejo Plague Brown.  Think about where the rust should be. Then, dry brushing the GW Ryza Rust

Brass and Oxide

  • Base – Vallejo Brassy Brass
  • Wash – Agrax Earthshade Gloss to darken the shadow part
  • Hilight – Mix the Vallejo silver with Brassy Brass 30/70
  • Edge – Vallejo Silver and Vallejo Foundation White
  • Oxide – Wash the depth path by Nihilakh Oxide

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d2painterthdavehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Love the detailed paint explanation, look forward to seeing more photos of the miniatures.

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